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Chelle's BlogDecorationHoliday

Christmas 2017

No art-making today, try back tomorrow. All I can think about is putting up a Christmas tree, so that’s about to happen. Then maybe I can focus on art.

Putting up a Christmas tree is an art, right?

This was a found Christmas tree from the attic above the workshop. After lugging it down the workshop attic stairs, into the house and up in the foyer, Kenny pointed out that it was beige..

We prefer the term: champagne. The ROYAL “We”… not Kenny. He’s all about dissecting the gifts bestowed on me by the universe.

It seems the heat altered it in the attic, for who knows how long it lived up there. Whatever. It went up, I want a tree up, NOW.

There it is, but I’ll admit, the beigeness of the tree bothered me, the longer the minutes rolled by, so I decided to get some spray snow to remedy the situation.. at least for this year. What’s that, like six bucks? Totally worth it.

Oh.. wait.. you mean spray snow doesn’t go that far anymore? Okay, maybe twenty six bucks.. still.. I didn’t have to go Christmas tree shopping, so I’m happy. Sort of.

But then I let it go, (Frozen, anyone?) and it was time to snuggle in with Kenny & The Girls and watch the boob tube! Ain’t they sweet?! Okay, one more… but that’s it! 🙂

Mooshin’ Through The Snow!
Chelle Ellis
the authorChelle Ellis

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