About Jaded Artist

Jaded Artist Media designed, developed, and maintains this blog.  If you need a website, visit www.JadedArtist.com.

Kenny's Blog

Sadie’s Old House – Kenny’s Blog

ArtChelle's BlogFurnitureHumorKenny's BlogLightingUpdates

Sofa King Awesome!

S ay that three times, super fast and you will feel my week! 😍 I have been AWOL for awhile: two months, today! EEK! To say I have been busy would be the biggest understatement of my life! And I...

GardeningKenny's BlogVegetables

Garden 2020

Finished fencing my garden against our newest little beast, Ziggy! She’s all puppy right now. Shes really a sweetie and she cant help herself yet for the most part, but she is so smart and shes learning. But the joy...

ColdwaterKenny's BlogNeighbors

Neighborhood Fire

Nothing like a neighborhood fire to break up the Sunday monotony. Happening right now, around the corner from us and down the street, on Forest Circle, in Coldwater. The house has been empty and abandoned for a few years, so...

ColdwaterKenny's BlogNeighbors

Die Trash Can!

Someone took out my trash can last night and left everything scattered down the street. It was probably about 75 lbs and they knocked it a good 125 feet. Surely, it messed up their grill pretty good. Didn’t do my...

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