About Jaded Artist

Jaded Artist Media designed, developed, and maintains this blog.  If you need a website, visit www.JadedArtist.com.


Sadie’s Old House – Humor

Chelle's BlogConstructionHumorPaintingRestorationRoofWindows

Paint Gonna Do It!

Oscar.  Mike.  Golf. I haven't written anything in this blog since JULY of last year.No, I am not dead.   In fact, I am feeling great and raring to get to work on Sadie! Time away was crucial to break a...

Chelle's BlogFamilyHumorRecipesUpdates


“To die, to sleep – to sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub, for in this sleep of death what dreams may come…” - Hamlet It is Friday the Thirteenth, of January 2023, and nothing is really happening....

Chelle's BlogHumor

Freudian Slip!

This blog entry will stray from the home restoration and decoration content that normally fills its pages. I'm working on a weekend presentation right now, so I simply don't have time to take on anything "house" this week, and still...

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