About Jaded Artist

Jaded Artist Media designed, developed, and maintains this blog.  If you need a website, visit www.JadedArtist.com.


Sadies’s Old House – Gardening

ArtChelle's BlogFlowersFurnitureGardeningHumorOrchidsUpdates

Grass is Always Greener

Since we last met here, Kenny and I have been all over Louisiana and to South Florida.. I think we ended up on the moon at some point.  Then we house/pet sat for Ashley, while she, Dustin, Gabe, Izze, and...

GardeningKenny's BlogVegetables

Garden 2020

Finished fencing my garden against our newest little beast, Ziggy! She’s all puppy right now. Shes really a sweetie and she cant help herself yet for the most part, but she is so smart and shes learning. But the joy...

Chelle's BlogFamilyFlowersGardening


This is a gallery of irises between my yards in Coldwater and Southaven (the old house). I am in the process of transplanting many of these in the new yard, but it will be awhile before they start to bloom....