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Jaded Artist Internet & Print Media designed, developed, and maintains this blog.  If you need a website, visit www.JadedArtist.com.

Month Archives: March 2018

Chelle's BlogFamilyUpdatesWeird Grandkids

Weird Grandkids

We were dubbed "Weird Gramma and Pappaw" or more simply now, "The Weirds", by our oldest grandson, Gabriel. Now all the grandkids call us this, and I couldn't be more pleased with my label! Coffee Cups Given To Us By...

Chelle's BlogFamilyHumorPets

Mooshie Monster

The ruthless dictator has claimed all three beds this morning. I suppose she's really more of an empress. A dictatorship implies that at some point she had a group supporting her take-over. She stared right through me just daring me...