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Chelle's BlogFamilyHumorPets

Frankie Loves Hummingbirds!

I’m sure you remember Frankie, she makes quite an impression! She isn’t quite a year old yet; with our vet’s estimation, we think she was born mid to late November, 2020. Still learning about the world around her, this week Frankie discovered hummingbirds!

Let me first explain that the during last few of weeks in September, our backyard feeders are loaded with hummingbirds. We live in the flyway, and nearby is the Strawberry Plains Audubon Center. This time each year the center hosts the Hummingbird Festival, where thousands of hummingbirds pass through, with nearly as many people observing them.

This was some of the activity at our feeders this week, collecting a dozen or more hummingbirds. This was down from a few years ago, when we had three times as many.

Hummingbirds at our backyard feeders this year

Kenny had his left hip replaced earlier this month, so Frankie has been sequestered upstairs to keep her from darting out and attacking his feet (prey), and tripping him up while he is healing. The upstairs windows, while nice, don’t have any feeders or see any hummingbird activity.

We have been missing our Frankie! And Kenny has healed up well enough that we thought it would be safe to bring her downstairs during the day. Within five minutes, Frankie discovered hummingbirds from her window and she will never be the same!

Frankie discovers hummingbirds!

She’s like a little crack addict now, she can’t get enough of hummingbird watching! Look at her tail whipping wildly while she is hyper-focused on birdwatching. 🤣

The hummingbirds are perfectly safe, Frankie is an indoor kitteh.

What you can’t see from this back view is the death chitters coming from Frankie. So I went outside on the deck and made a couple of videos of her front view. You still can’t see her completely from the window screen; but she was all eyeballs and chitter jaw and I was losing my mind, laughing!

Outside window view of Frankie watching hummingbirds

And here’s a closer view of the outside window where you can definitely see her doing the hummingbird death call. 🤣 🤣 🤣

I love this little cat, she entertains me daily! There will never be another Frankie! 🥰 

And just to prove it, here’s an extra photo of Frankie watching Tom & Jerry cartoons a few months ago. ❤️

Chelle Ellis
the authorChelle Ellis

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