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Chelle's BlogDecorationFurniture

Sari Patchwork Ottoman Cover

I picked up a really basic grey storage cube/ottoman, with a rip in the fabric, last week for nine bucks. Have you seen how much these things are going for now? Unreal! I understand, I’m cheap, but come on!

I wanted to spiff it up a little to suit my Bohemian soul, so I ordered five Indian sari patchwork pillow covers off Ebay for next to nothing, but a little more than the ottoman. I made sure they were a little larger than each side of my cube before ordering, and waited for a couple of weeks before they got here.

I would have liked them to be more like the first photo shown (the seller offered both as possibilities of what would arrive) but I am happy with what I got; no problems, mon!

And I think it turned out pretty well, especially considering it was a damaged grey dorm storage cube to begin with.

So it’s super easy, I don’t even have to bullet point these instructions. (1. Cut a hole in a box. 2. Just kidding, that’s an SNL skit, haha!)

Just put the pieces with the insides together, sew seams all around into a cube, then turn it inside out. Or I guess, that’s outside out… huh!

Super simple! I literally made mine with my granddaughter’s toy sewing machine, as mine is still packed away at the other house. I’m really way too impatient for these little details… I WANT IT NOW. 🙂 And I got it!

Chelle Ellis
the authorChelle Ellis

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