We are in the middle of a melting ice storm and it’s snowing with a refreeze warning tonight.
Our electricity shut off last night, after midnight; but was magically restored when I woke up mid-morning. Whew!
As it turns out my Moosh, is scared of the dark. She stayed on our heels, until we put her bed near ours and provided a battery-operated-candle. 🐶🕯️😂
Our Internet is still down today, except for basic cellphone connectivity. Thus, the perfect environment to knock out a blog entry. Yet not much has happened, since we last met here, especially since we are iced in right now. ❄️
My mom came up last week and we had a great visit. My BFF, Dana Doodle, is planning to come visit after the glacial crust has thawed. We haven’t had a good chance to sit down and chat since she moved back home to Arkansas. ❤️
Weird grandchild #3, Isla, had her 8th birthday last month and we got together with the kids and weird grands to celebrate, at her choice of restaurant, which turned out to be hibachi; her first experience. As the evening drew near, she expressed concern to Dustin, that she wasn’t sure she could catch the food in her mouth. She watches a lot of YouTube so there is no telling what ideas she has dreamed up about Japanese dining. 🥢
But I’m totally down with hibachi chefs throwing food at kids! 😂 We relayed that conversation to our chef, and here’s a video of Isla trying to catch scrambled eggs being thrown at her.
She’s hilarious, fearless and a natural born boss, like her weird pappaw. For both, my rebel heart beats wildly, challenging their odd requests with humor (sometimes dark).
She received Elvis cookies at school for her birthday this year, and has watched the new Elvis movie no less than a billion times. Ashley took her to Graceland last summer where she discovered like many females before her: Elvis is dreamy! Here is a photo of her in adoration of an Elvis hologram (video available at https://youtu.be/G_k897avBXs), and a photo of her in overlay costume. Enjoy! 🕺

And I couldn’t leave out photos of her birthday cookies she received at school this year; and her reception of the DVDs we sent her.

In mid-January, Kenny and Ashley put down new flooring in her living room, from the cache we got for her birthday last year. That leaves only a guest room to go: after they installed it together in her bedroom, and she installed it in Izzee’s room.

We are all trying to figure out the solution to the strange conundrum of Ashley’s stairs. She had new boards cut at a hardware store, which she lacquered and glued in place, replacing the awful raw steps that lived under the carpet. Some of the boards weren’t cut to the correct size, so there is a gap between the walls and stairs that has to be resolved; which is further complicated by the bull nose edge front of each step. There is no way to pull them back up, so thoughts of adding a thin panel to the trimmed wall was considered.. or possibly shimming the trim panels from the wall to meet the steps. But those solutions could cause more damage than fix. Kenny is looking at adding cove trim to the side edges between the steps and wall, then caulking it in and downwards into the front bull nose edge.

It’s a little scary to tackle, so if anyone has any better ideas, we are all ears.
To close, here is a photo Kenny took of Frankie, sleeping beside me. She was snoring, he says. She’s definitely my familiar! 🐈

Here’s to warmer days! 🌴