About Jaded Artist

Jaded Artist Media designed, developed, and maintains this blog.  If you need a website, visit www.JadedArtist.com.

Year Archives: 2018

DecorationFurnitureKenny's Blog

Closet Library

We have a closet in our guest bedroom we turned into a library. It has high ceilings so we are also putting a lot of our art stuff around the book cases. We brought the bookcases and the leather sofa...

Chelle's BlogFamilyFlowersGardening


This is a gallery of irises between my yards in Coldwater and Southaven (the old house). I am in the process of transplanting many of these in the new yard, but it will be awhile before they start to bloom....

Kenny's Blog

Dead ‘Possums

Found two dead ‘possums in the yard this morning.Like we say here in Miss’ippi,No one can eat just one. I need to do some research on them. It may have been a mating pair. It appeared they had been hit...

Chelle's BlogFamilyHumorPets

Mooshie Monster

The ruthless dictator has claimed all three beds this morning. I suppose she's really more of an empress. A dictatorship implies that at some point she had a group supporting her take-over. She stared right through me just daring me...

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