About Jaded Artist

Jaded Artist Media designed, developed, and maintains this blog.  If you need a website, visit www.JadedArtist.com.


Sadie’s Old House – Coldwater, Mississippi

ArtChelle's BlogColdwaterDecorationNeighbors

Artsy Neighbors

Besides being Sadie's slave, I am a painter, print maker and sculptor. One of the very cool things about moving to Coldwater was we live five miles north of my super bestie, Dana, who is an artist and art professor....

Chelle's BlogColdwater

79 Years Ago Today

Earlier today, someone in a Facebook group I'm in posted the resource of newspapers.com to research the history of their old house. I got a trial membership and the first article that came up was about a wedding that took place in...

ColdwaterHumorKenny's Blog

2017 Coldwater Christmas Parade

Live at the Coldwater Christmas Parade from our front porch. This should only take a minute.... 2017 Coldwater Christmas Parade https://www.facebook.com/pukachelle/videos/10215588119762092/ https://www.facebook.com/pukachelle/videos/10215588119922096/ https://www.facebook.com/pukachelle/videos/10215588120002098/...

ColdwaterHumorKenny's Blog

Hay, STOP!

Standing on the front porch and watched as this roll of hay rolled off dudes trailer, took out the trash can, and the end of the neighbors fence. No one was home. The driver left to get his tractor. I...

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