Dead ‘Possums
Found two dead ‘possums in the yard this morning.Like we say here in Miss’ippi,No one can eat just one. I need to do some research on them. It may have been a mating pair. It appeared they had been hit...
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Found two dead ‘possums in the yard this morning.Like we say here in Miss’ippi,No one can eat just one. I need to do some research on them. It may have been a mating pair. It appeared they had been hit...
We were dubbed "Weird Gramma and Pappaw" or more simply now, "The Weirds", by our oldest grandson, Gabriel. Now all the grandkids call us this, and I couldn't be more pleased with my label! Coffee Cups Given To Us By...
The ruthless dictator has claimed all three beds this morning. I suppose she's really more of an empress. A dictatorship implies that at some point she had a group supporting her take-over. She stared right through me just daring me...
It’s never boring being married Kenny. We renewed and transferred two car tags to our new county today. They were gonna charge $2 per tag to be paid via debit card, until Kenny remembered a hundred dollar bill in his...
More doors to start restoring today: a pair of old 15 light French doors to separate the dining room (being used as Mom's bedroom) from the foyer. I found the ONE pair of doors with my dimensions and window count,...
Earlier today, someone in a Facebook group I'm in posted the resource of to research the history of their old house. I got a trial membership and the first article that came up was about a wedding that took place in...
Lots of Cardinals! Many immature ones. Also a Carolina Chickadee, picking bugs off the JuJube tree. Butt’s on the grill! Put a few apple wood chunks from our apple tree on the coals. It’s smelling really sweet now! It’s after...
A pause in house renovation to fabricate some dog gates. This was kind of a necessity as Mom's dog, Scooter, was chewing up the door frames in the enclosed porch. We moved my mom down to live with us, and...
Water had been seeping into the back door during rain storms, for who knows how long. It rotted out the bottom of the back door, but I repaired it by removing the damaged wood, gluing/nailing in new wood and gluing...
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