About Jaded Artist

Jaded Artist Internet & Print Media designed, developed, and maintains this blog.  If you need a website, visit www.JadedArtist.com.


Sadie’s Old House – Humor

GardeningHumorKenny's BlogRecipesVegetables

Garden 2019

I've got 28 tomato plants: The row on far right is 3 different varieties of heirlooms I started from some old seed I had on hand. Glad they germinated, but I still lost about half in the seedling stage. I've...

Chelle's BlogFamilyHumorPetsUpdates


So excited! The cat tree arrived yesterday for us to install so Sophie, our 18-1/2 year old Siamese, can officially ignore it. I knew to install the thing next to the vent, since Sophie has always been a heat seeker....

HumorKenny's Blog

Citizen Schuety Balsac

I remember filling something out months ago, I thought might incur some junk mail, so as a quick indicator for me to drop it directly in the trash. I listed my name as “Schuety Balsac”. I didn’t think they’d take...

Chelle's BlogFamilyHumorPets

Mooshie Monster

The ruthless dictator has claimed all three beds this morning. I suppose she's really more of an empress. A dictatorship implies that at some point she had a group supporting her take-over. She stared right through me just daring me...

ColdwaterHumorKenny's Blog

2017 Coldwater Christmas Parade

Live at the Coldwater Christmas Parade from our front porch. This should only take a minute.... 2017 Coldwater Christmas Parade https://www.facebook.com/pukachelle/videos/10215588119762092/ https://www.facebook.com/pukachelle/videos/10215588119922096/ https://www.facebook.com/pukachelle/videos/10215588120002098/...

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